Celebrating 10 Years of God’s Faithfulness

A 501(c)(3) Organization

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Servant Information

Desire 4 Hope’s Mission:

Rooted in Christ’s teachings, compassion and love, Desire 4 Hope is dedicated to extending a helping hand to those battling addiction (and their loved ones), and spiritual and material poverty. We do this by providing friendship, support, guidance and resources to help individuals grow in Christ, so they can overcome challenges, find healing, and build a future filled with hope and purpose. Through Christ-like principles and practical assistance, we strive to uplift lives, restore dignity and create a lasting transformation in the lives of those we serve.

Questions may be directed to Tim Stanley, Head of Desire 4 Hope Ministry

Serving Opportunities

  • Serve Food and Minister

    • Women should primarily minister to the women, and men should primarily minister to the men.
    • Note: We internally communicate as a group of servants through the app GroupMe. Join GroupMe and join the D4H Team to find out if the group is serving that evening. Let us know by 1pm on the day we serve if you’re able to come out, because we need a minimum number of servants, and need to purchase food.
  • Prayer:

    • Pray for individuals who have requested that we pray on their behalf. (There is a weekly prayer list distributed). [Join our prayer group by reaching out to Susan Newell, sjnewell76@gmail.com]
    • Pray for Desire 4 Hope: the organization, leaders, and servants
  • Financial Support:

    • Desire 4 Hope is a 501 c 3 organization.
    • Write checks to Desire 4 Hope and/or donate at Desire4Hope.org, or through the Hawthorne Gospel Church app (Designate the gift to Desire 4 Hope).
    • Your donations help support the Desire 4 Hope Ministry, which includes food, vehicles, transportation, programs, and a new facility.

Guidelines and Tips for those Serving

  • Ministry:

    • Overview: We have an opportunity to speak to people created in the image of God. Many may be addicted, abused, homeless, abandoned, or poor, but this is not their identity. Their identity is given by God, not by what they do, or what has been done to them. So, it’s important to see and describe them as God does. They are image bearers, they’re our friends, and their only hope is in Jesus. Just like us.
    • Our primary focus is sharing Jesus, not food or clothes. If someone is sharing or praying with someone on the line, at the table, or in the parking lot, do not interrupt, even if it slows things down.
    • Pray during the week for those on the prayer list. Pray that God softens hearts of those he brings to us and pray that God directs their way. Pray for servants who have a heart for the people he leads to us. Pray for wisdom, opportunities, and safety.
    • Approach people if you see someone on line, seated, alone, or filling out a prayer card. Smile, thank them for coming and get to know them.
    • Listen. Ask the individual their name. Share your name. Get to know the person. When getting to know someone, remember, that we – but for the grace of God, were also lost.
    • Share some of your life and share what Jesus has done for you. One thing that’s very effective is to share the fact that many of the servants have been impacted personally by addiction or by family or friends who are addicted. Often the people we meet may have been judged by others or condemn themselves. We all serve because we know that the only hope there is can only be found in Jesus.
    • Our witness should be short and simple. We don’t have to have all the answers. Don’t get into doctrine and don’t present the entire Bible.
      • Example testimony: This is what God has done for me. This is where I was. He saw me and loved me, and he’s saved me. He can do this for you, as well. “For God so loved [insert name] that he gave his one and only son, that if you believe in the Lord Jesus you will have eternal life” John 3:16
      • Example response to challenge: You may hear that they need to clean up their lives before they can be saved. Let them know we don’t earn our salvation. Jesus did it all for us. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
      • Example response to challenge: You may hear that they’ll think about it and maybe they’ll make a decision later. Gently remind them that we may not have tomorrow. “Now is the day of Salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
    • Pray: Once you get to know someone, ask if you may pray with and for them.
      • If they haven’t filled out a prayer card, fill out a card for them so they may be added to the prayer list and so we may pray for them as a group.
      • We also pray as a group before and at the conclusion of each night.
    • The results are God’s. Only God can change hearts and lives. We sow seeds. Don’t take the outcomes personally, regardless of whether the outcome is positive or negative. The outcome is not dependent on us. None of us are that powerful.
  • Safety:

    • Your safety is important to us. When volunteering at a Desire 4 Hope activity:
      • wear current Desire 4 Hope clothing (help us identify the team)
      • do not wear sandals or flip flops, (protect from unintended burns, glass, or needle punctures)
      • stay on premises. Do not roam. If you need to go to the office, or go to your car, take someone with you and let one other person know where you are.
      • do not go in and minister on your own. If you do so, you are representing yourself, and should not wear the Desire 4 Hope clothing.
  • Food:

    • In general, we hand out the quantity of food people ask for. However, check to see if there is a constraint on food before the night begins (sometimes we may not know if we’ll have enough).
    • If someone wants to bring home their own food, let them.
    • If someone wants to bring home food for others, let them know they need to wait until the end of the night, to make sure we have enough food for everyone.
    • Individuals who serve food or coffee should wear plastic gloves (provided).
  • Clean up:

    • Trailer: Items should be placed in the trailer in a manner that demonstrates we’re good stewards of what God has given us. Tables should be wiped down, the plastic utensils put back on the shelves in the trailer and chairs hung on the racks.
    • Leftover Food & Dirty dishes: put ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, anything perishable (cheese, salads, leftovers, meat) and dirty dishes in the pickup truck – not the trailer so that food gets put into the refrigerator, and dishes get washed.
    • Garbage should be bagged & Miguel (or his designee) will take care of disposing of it.
  • Distributing money clothes or items of value:

    • We should never hand out any denomination of money or electronics.
    • Clothing and toiletries: Remove the tags and packaging and limit the number of items we distribute to any one individual, thereby limit the chance that those items can be resold.
    • Clothes and shoes should be modest and functional.
    • Best practice tip: Often people will see the hat, sweatshirt, or other item someone gets and ask for something as well. In order that we’re not running back and forth to the office, ask them to eat and try to group multiple requests together.
    • Special packages are distributed occasionally:
      • Valentine’s Day
      • Easter
      • Thanksgiving
      • Christmas
    • A gospel message is always included; and, encouraging note, candy, cookies, and small items may be included.


  • Counseling/Intervention – We have a counselor on staff who can meet with families of those in addiction, and offer short-term counseling as well as a family intervention to assist in directing the loved one who is struggling and support the family members struggling.
  • Christian Alternative to Addiction – This is a support group/meeting for families and those in addiction. We use the scriptures to promote healing and freedom. This is done in a group format so that those struggling can find support and families can also find support with one another.

Every Monday night at 7pm 
Hawthorne Gospel Church (Chapel)
2200 Route 208 N
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Desire 4 Hope
241 Rosa Parks Blvd
Paterson, NJ 07501

  • Detox – If someone is addicted, the first step is to go through a 4 – 5 day detox program. We can help people get in.
  • Rehab – Once someone has detoxed, they can go into a long-term faith-based program. The individuals do not need insurance or money. We can help them get them in.

Release Form

Liability Release Agreement

I/we understand that there are inherent risks involved in any service project. Such risks may include, but are not limited to, the risk of injury from transportation, physical activity, exposure to disease or other illness, and violence due to instability, or criminal activity. Being informed of the inherent risks of volunteering with Desire 4 Hope, I/we hereby release Desire 4 Hope as well as its officers, directors, staff, and volunteer workers from any and all liability due to any injury, loss or damage to person or property that may occur during the course of my/our involvement with Desire 4 Hope.

Medical Release Agreement

I/we the undersigned, are of legal consenting age myself, or in the case of a minor, are the parents having legal custody, or the legal guardians of the above-named participant, have given our consent for me/him/her to volunteer with Desire 4 Hope. If I/he/she is injured while volunteering and requires the attention of a doctor, I/we consent to any reasonable medical treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician. In the event treatment is called for, which a physician and/or hospital personnel refuses to administer without my/our consent, I/we hereby authorize Tim Stanley, the lead adult of Desire 4 Hope, his designee, or Desire 4 Hope board member, to give such consent for us if I/we cannot be reached by telephone at one of the numbers listed below, or because of an emergency, there is not time or opportunity to make a phone call. In the event it becomes necessary for that person to give consent for us, I/we agree to hold such person free and harmless of any claims, demands or suits for damages arising from the giving of such consent so long as the treatment is administered by or under the supervision of a licensed physician. I/we also acknowledge that I/we will be ultimately responsible for the cost of any medical care should the cost of that care not be reimbursed by the health insurance carrier.

By signing, I also understand and consent to the photographing or videotaping of myself or my child during the time I/we are with Desire 4 Hope for use in Desire 4 Hope promotional materials.

Emergency Contact Information